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Are You at Risk for Back Pain? Don’t Let It Scare You!

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Halloween is around the corner, which means scares are in the air! Whether or not you’re in to spooky movies, trick-or-treating, or haunted houses, there’s one thing that everyone fears: back pain.

6 Common Risk Factors

Unfortunately, some risk factors may predispose you to back pain. If you fall under one or several of the following risk factors, don’t let them scare you!

Back pain is more common as you grow older, usually beginning around age 30 or 40.

By leading a sedentary lifestyle, your back and abdomen muscles are generally weaker, which puts you at greater risk for back pain.

Also, smokers are more prone to back pain, as smoking decreases the amount of blood flow to the spine, which can keep your body from delivering essential nutrients to the discs in your back.

Certain back pain diseases, such as degenerative disc disease, are unfortunately inherited through genetics.

Occupational Hazards
Some occupations that require you to be on your feet all day, such as construction workers, nurses, and assembly-line workers, may be more prone to back pain.

On the flip side, occupations that require prolonged periods of sitting, such as drivers, pilots, and office workers, are also at risk for back pain.

Obesity/Excess Weight
Excess weight puts additional stress on your body in general, especially your back.

Psychological Conditions
Studies have shown that people who are prone to depression and anxiety tend to have a greater risk for back pain.

4 Tips to Help Scare the Back Pain Away

There are ways to help scare the back pain away so you can enjoy life.

Exercise Regularly
Regular exercise is highly recommended and can positively impact many aspects of your health. Exercise helps promote blood flow and healing to the spine.

Focusing on strengthening your abdominal and back muscles will improve your spine stability, making injury less likely.

We have compiled some helpful information on how to safely perform several common exercises. Always discuss your current exercise routine with your physician and physical therapist to make sure you are executing moves correctly.

Maintain a Healthy Weight
In conjunction with the above-recommended exercise programs, and it is advisable to maintain a weight range that is healthy and recommended for you. Remember, there is no such thing as a single ideal weight, as every individual’s BMI, lifestyle, age, height, and gender need to be considered.

Perform Exercises While Standing
If your job requires you to be on your feet all day, try the following prevention tips:

  • Prop one foot on a small stool or telephone book and alternate with the other foot every 20 minutes or so.
  • With your knees slightly bent, bend over and touch your toes every half an hour.
  • At regular intervals, perform some basic stretching exercises to loosen muscles and joints.

Perform Exercises While Sitting
If your job requires you to sit for prolonged periods, keep the following suggestions in mind:

  • Stand, walk around and bend or twist gently at regular intervals.
  • Invest in an ergonomically-designed chair or an orthopedic insert to support your spine.
  • Roll up a towel and place it behind your lower back.


We Can Help!
If you are considered a high-risk candidate for back pain or are currently experiencing back pain, schedule an appointment with us. We’ll help you scare the back pain away!