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Heart of Service – Employee Feature: Bailey Lombard

Spine Team Texas has a high patient satisfaction score because we employ some of the most caring, patient-driven professionals in the country. Some of our team members, such as Bailey Lombard, go above and beyond their role to further serve their community. Bailey is one of our Marketing Liaisons. She’s a mother of 3, has been with us for a year, and recently received an award in accordance with the 2023 National Presidential Proclamation: “Aging Unbound”. Her background in serving the elderly community goes back many years, and we are so excited that she has brought her heart for service to Spine Team Texas.

Starting out in high school, Bailey focused on becoming a nurse by taking a CNA class. She immediately fell in love with serving patients, and eventually went into skilled nursing, serving the elderly. The work was rewarding, but she felt like it just wasn’t enough in terms of fulfilling her desire to serve patients. Not long after, Bailey became a Director of Business Development, which had some tradeoffs. More influence on major company decisions meant more hours. Suddenly, Bailey was in position where she constantly needed to be available and rarely got to build new connections with the patients she so passionately served. This situation would only get worse as her family grew and her children got older.

Bailey needed a new role, one where she could focus on marketing objectives while also interacting with patients, one where she could have nights, weekends, holidays and more to spend with her lovely family. And so, she came to Spine Team Texas. We not only recognize the importance of hiring employees that truly care for patients, be we also recognize how crucial work-life balance is for our team members. Yes, finding the right balance is beneficial for each employee, but it also improves our patient satisfaction by helping to foster a healthy and productive organization.

Here are some facts about work-life balance. Studies have consistently shown that maintaining a healthy work-life balance contributes to improved physical and mental well-being. Here are some eye-opening statistics:

  1. Reduced Stress Levels: According to a study by the American Psychological Association (APA) [1], individuals who experience an imbalance between work and personal life are more likely to report high levels of stress. On the other hand, those who successfully manage work-life balance exhibit lower stress levels, leading to better overall health.
  2. Enhanced Mental Health: Research published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine [2] reveals that employees who maintain a satisfactory work-life balance are less likely to experience symptoms of depression and anxiety. Taking time for personal activities and self-care significantly contributes to mental well-being.
  3. Lower Risk of Burnout: A survey conducted by Gallup [3] found that employees who have a better work-life balance are 63% less likely to experience burnout. By allocating time for rest, hobbies, and quality time with loved ones, individuals can prevent the exhaustion and disillusionment associated with prolonged work-related stress.


Ultimately, our stance on this topic comes down to one question- How can we expect good patient outcomes when an employee struggles to find personal time? It benefits our patients when we encourage team members to spend time with friends and family.

Bailey’s family consists of two active teenage girls, plus a precious one-year-old. Transitioning to this role has allowed Bailey to truly take advantage of these years. Whether it is going to cheer practice or soccer games, or music and drama shows, Bailey says the work-life balance at Spine Team is “a million light years” ahead of her previous roles. She describes Spine Team as a well-oiled machine that you “only hear about in movies,” and says she hardly has any stress when she clocks out. Bailey also takes many opportunities to continue serving the elderly community thru volunteer organizations which is how she recently received this very special award.

Bailey has served in various volunteer organizations and continues to do so. Some examples include Meals on Wheels and Senior Service Alliance, the latter of which she was on the board of. From fundraising, to helping run events, to distributing much needed supplies, Bailey has given so much of herself to the Seniors in her community.

Aging populations have unique issues that require a wide range of assistance. Here at Spine Team, we obviously help with neck, back, and neurological conditions, but our scope does not reach into issues like home modifications and companionship. While we would like to think our providers build great relationships with each patient, we know how critical dedicated organizations are for helping niche groups. We are so proud of Bailey for all her service efforts over the years, and while we cannot always provide the patient connection she so desires, we can at least provide time for her to seek that out in her personal life. It is our hope that other team members follow her example.

In a world that often prioritizes personal success and individual pursuits, it is essential to recognize the profound impact of volunteering and serving our communities. Let’s delve into more details on the importance of giving back and highlight the benefits it brings not only to those in need but also to the individuals who engage in volunteer work.


  1. Creating Positive Change: Volunteering allows us to actively participate in creating positive change within our communities. Here are some compelling reasons why serving your community is crucial:


    • Addressing Social Issues: Volunteers play a pivotal role in addressing social issues and meeting the needs of marginalized populations. By dedicating our time and skills to charitable organizations, we contribute to building a more equitable society and empowering those who are less fortunate.
    • Strengthening Community Bonds: Volunteering fosters a sense of belonging and strengthens community bonds. When individuals come together to work towards a common cause, they build connections, bridge divides, and create a supportive network that uplifts everyone involved.
    • Inspiring Others: Engaging in volunteer work serves as an inspiration to others, encouraging them to get involved and make a difference. By leading through example, we have the power to inspire a ripple effect of generosity and compassion, amplifying the impact of our collective efforts.


  1. Personal Growth and Development: Volunteering not only benefits the community but also offers immense personal growth and development opportunities. Consider the following aspects:


    • Skill Development: Volunteer work provides a platform to develop and enhance a wide range of skills. From leadership and teamwork to communication and problem-solving, engaging in community service allows individuals to acquire valuable skills that can benefit their personal and professional lives.
    • Increased Empathy and Understanding: Interacting with individuals from diverse backgrounds and facing different challenges broadens our perspectives, cultivates empathy, and nurtures understanding. Volunteering helps break down stereotypes, fostering a more inclusive and compassionate society.
    • Boosting Well-being: Research conducted by the Corporation for National and Community Service [1] shows that volunteering has positive effects on mental and physical well-being. Individuals who engage in volunteer work often report higher levels of happiness, reduced stress, and improved overall health.


  1. Strengthening Social Responsibility: Volunteering serves as a means to demonstrate our social responsibility and contribute to the greater good. Consider the following aspects:


    • Enhancing Civic Engagement: Volunteers actively participate in civic engagement, exercising their rights and responsibilities as citizens. By being engaged in community issues and taking part in initiatives that aim to improve society, we contribute to a thriving democracy.
    • Building a Culture of Giving: When individuals come together to volunteer and serve, they contribute to building a culture of giving within their community. This culture of generosity fosters a supportive environment where helping others becomes a shared value, ultimately creating a stronger and more compassionate society.
    • Long-lasting Impact: Volunteering has the potential to create long-lasting impact and bring about sustainable change. Through consistent dedication and collective efforts, volunteers contribute to projects and initiatives that can positively influence generations to come.


Back in High School, Bailey met a patient that ‘stole her heart’ (in a good way). Her name was Jeanette. Jeanette and Bailey would go on to have a relationship beyond schooling or organizations. Sure, Bailey helped her a lot in her old age, but Jeanette also helped foster a love of service in Bailey’s heart, and that love has grown to bless the lives of many others. The value of serving one’s community cannot be said enough. We are grateful to have created an organization that attracts such caring people as Bailey.