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Our Guide To Becoming A Healthcare Administrator

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Healthcare administration is an umbrella term for a variety of roles within a hospital or healthcare facility. Typically these roles will include overseeing the management, supervision and operations within the hospital, but can vary depending on facility specialty.  

Regardless, one thing is for sure – working in healthcare administration can be a rewarding career, helping you to better the medical experience for each and every patient while providing you with the work-life balance that so many of us are looking for. In this blog, we’ll be looking at:

  • What a Healthcare Administrator Does
  • Whether Healthcare Admin Work is Right For You
  • The Necessary Education For Healthcare Admin Roles
  • Regulations To Be Aware of.

Let’s get started. 

What Does a Healthcare Administrator Do?

First, let’s run through some of the common duties involved in healthcare administration roles. Below is a list of a selection of responsibilities typically involved. Of course, these could vary depending on the facility that you work in – but will typically center around similar tasks.

  • Develop work schedules for staff and physicians.
  • Ensure facility efficiency and quality.
  • Ensure that the facility is in compliance with all laws and regulations.
  • Communicate with physicians and nurses.
  • Manage facility finances.
  • Manage billing.
  • Train staff members as needed.

Is Healthcare Admin Work Right For You?

How Much Can You Earn?

With any career, it’s important to first sit down and think about what it is that you want – both in terms of your day-to-day life and your long term goals. And we know, salary comes into this. Because of that, it’s worth noting that in 2020, Texas’s 34,380 professionals in the healthcare administration field earned an average of $110,870.

Alongside that, between now and 2028, the healthcare administration job pool is projected to increase by 21.9%.

Will You Enjoy Healthcare Admin?

Just as much as the salary component, enjoying your day-to-day life is important. When you work 40 hours a week, it may as well be doing something you love. Healthcare Administration can be fulfilling yet challenging work. 

As the older generations continue to age, an increase in healthcare facilities is required – and these facilities simply cannot run without the healthcare administration. That’s why the below traits are critical for roles within this industry. 

  • The ability to make ethical decisions, focused on the best outcome overall.
  • Effective communication skills, and the ability to lead a team. 
  • Strong organizational skills.
  • Passion for people, and the want to help.

Necessary Education For Healthcare Admin Work?

The specifics will vary depending on the facility that you seek a role at, but most typically: healthcare administrators will require a bachelor’s degree in business or healthcare management. In some roles, a master’s degree will also be preferred. 

Regulations That Impact Healthcare Administration

Outside of education, one of the most critical requirements for healthcare administrators is to be well-versed in all federal and state regulations designed to protect the safety and privacy of patients. Below is a sample of just a few of these acts. 

Occupational Safety and Health Act

The Occupational Safety and Health Act, widely known as OSHA, originated in 1970 and was enacted to ensure safe and healthful working conditions by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, education and assistance. 

Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act

Enacted in 1986, the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) was developed to ensure that healthcare providers put the health and safety of others over their own monetary gain. EMTALA requires medical centers to stabilize and treat those who come into their emergency rooms regardless of the patient’s financial standing or insurance status. 

Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act

The Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act (PSQIA) was enacted in 2005, and is focused on patient safety in medical facilities. PSQIA provides a voluntary and confidential reporting system that allows anyone to report concerns or potential hazards that could affect patients’ safety. 

If you believe that healthcare admin is the route for you, then don’t wait. The industry is growing – fast, and there’s a lot of opportunity for you. Here at Spine Team Texas, we are a diverse, multi-talented community of collaborators striving daily to provide the ultimate care and experience for our patients. If you have a passion for helping others, you are one of us.  

We have available careers in North Texas, so review the healthcare jobs and admin jobs, and don’t hesitate to set up job alerts and stay up to date!