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Tech Neck – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Man on his phone

We’ve heard it all – sitting too close to your TV will give you square eyes, spending too much time on your video games will melt your brain…but what if we told you that looking down at your phone is the cause of that twinge in your back, the strain on your neck, and the slight hump in your spine? 


This is often referred to as tech neck – a common medical complaint that is ultimately caused by looking down at your phone or laptop. Today we’ll cover the causes, the symptoms, and ultimately the treatment. 

Causes of Tech Neck

The cause of this condition is pretty straightforward. Whether it’s your phone, your laptop, or even a book, tech neck is the strain on your neck caused by holding your head forward for prolonged periods of time.


When holding your head in this position, it stretches the vertebrae that make up your neck. Alongside that, the muscles in the back of the neck also then have to contract to hold your head up. The more you look down, the more the muscles have to work to keep your head up.


This kind of movement is absolutely fine in short bursts, but can lead to pain, strain, and stress when done over a long period of time.

Symptoms of Tech Neck

The symptoms of tech neck can vary depending on the severity of the effects. And really – by the time you’re experiencing any symptoms, damage has already been done. 


The symptoms you experience could include any of the following: 

  • Tension in the neck or shoulders
  • Spine pain 
  • Pain or discomfort in extremities 
  • A slight hump in the neck 
  • Reduced mobility 

Treatment of Tech Neck

Ultimately, the ideal treatment of tech neck is preventative care – correcting your posture, stretching your back with spine health in mind and taking short breaks from tech during the day. But, if you’re experiencing symptoms and require care, seeking medical attention will typically lead to a custom physical therapy program designed to soothe your aches and pains, while correcting your posture long term. Don’t delay treatment or allow your condition to worsen – get in touch with our team today.